What is Freeze-dried processing?
At UB Bio, we employ enhanced freeze-drying techniques. This innovative and advanced technology has enabled us to secure patents for stag blood manufacturing in the USA, New Zealand, Norway, Australia, and other countries. Our freeze-drying methods ensure that no nutrients are lost during the process.
Key Features and Benefits:
UB bio STAG BLOOD 360 capsules, manufactured using our patented freeze-drying technology, meet the highest global hygiene standards.
UB Bio meticulously collects STAG blood exclusively from stags born and raised in New Zealand during the velvet growing season (October to February), coinciding with peak IGF-1 levels. Insulin-like Growth Factor 1 (IGF-1) is crucial for regulating various physiological processes, including skeletal muscle, cartilage, bone, liver, kidney, nervous system, skin, hematopoietic cells, and lungs.
STAG BLOOD may benefit individuals experiencing anemia, chronic fatigue, signs of aging, or young children with high nutritional demands.
Our freeze-drying technique is employed to preserve the full nutritional benefits of STAG BLOOD.
The deer has been a symbol of health, stamina, vitality, and longevity, making all parts of the deer valued in traditional Oriental medicine for addressing various health issues.
Benefits in a nutshell:
Collected only during the velvet growing season.
Guaranteed pure Stag Blood with no mixture of hind blood.
A high level of Iron- four times higher than in humans.
Contains essential proteins to support physical energy
TAPS: PP6817
[UBbio] Stag Blood 360 Capsules
100% New Zealand Stag Blood