Key Features & Benefits:
Manuka (Leptospermum scoparium) has antiseptic properties so it is widely used as ingredients for various health products and skincare products such as acne, cuts, bites, and wound care.
Treat sore throat: Manuka is perfect to treat and shorten the length and severity of a sore throat as it fights bacteria and viruses while also boosting the immune system.
Help gastrointestinal discomfort: It can help reduce inflammation from digestive disorders, relieving abdominal discomfort and bloating. Manuka contains natural prebiotics, which is important for nurturing the gut’s good bacteria.
Boost energy: Honey has a high nutrient density and it makes a great natural energy booster.
Easy to carry around and consume, perfect for busy people.
Benefits in a nutshell:
100% New Zealand Manuka Honey
Naturally contained anti-bacterial & helping properties
For gastrointestinal discomfort
Supports immune system
Improves cholesterol levels
[UBbio] New Zealand Manuka Honey Sticks MG 263+, 10 g x 15 sachets]
New Zealand Manuka Honey (MG263+)